Rural Revival Catalogue

Rural UK communities
Kerry Dragon - Architect
Marinella Nikolova - Architect
Supporting the rebirth of rural experiences
As our personal worlds seem to shrink we believe that reconnecting with nature is one of the only, generally applicable, ways of healing both mind and body after the collective struggles of the past six months with the Covid-19 crisis. This is an exceptionally difficult time for many environmental conservation charities such as the National Trust, English Heritage and the RSPB. With drastically reduced visitors numbers comes significant financial impacts, however, as with any crisis in confidence one tried and tested way out of difficulty is strategic investment and expansion.
Our catalogue proposes a series of cost effective, environmentally sustainable and high quality WikiHouse structures that lean into the volunteer support networks that many rural charities can call upon which aim to rejuvenate or expand on existing provisions. With so much of the rural economy dependent on local tourism without this investment from key organisations we worry about the recovery of rural areas which have been equally affected by the economic downturn. Without the the broad base of capital incentives to recover as many urban areas countryside towns and villages are extremely reliant on national conservation charities to give people reasons to return to the countryside.
With products ranging from glamping pods, bike storage facilities, modular off-grid toilets, solar electric vehicle charging points and small cafe stands to ticket booths, gathering halls, outdoor kitchens and rangers storage, we have tried to create opportunities for the "everyday expansion" that can create targeted increases in visitor numbers for minimal investment. Our use of the WikiHouse construction system makes these building easy for volunteers to build, low impact, fully demountable and moveable and very cost effective.
If any rural enterprises would like to read about the full scope of the options available please download the catalogue in the downloads section below or feel free to contact us to discuss.