Grange Avenue

Private Client
Hale, Manchester
Creating a PassivHaus Designer Home
The existing elevations are of a poor brick standard and while it would be easier from a planning standpoint to retain them, it makes sense from a visual but also more importantly, an energy retro fit level to externally insulate the home. The proposal seeks to add substantial amounts of insulation to bring it to Enerphit levels and is finished in a breathable render, this could be natural sprayed on cork or a lime render. Either way we would propose to avoid a bright white smooth finish and proposed a slightly rough finish in off white. This would complement its Art Deco era heritage and would compliment the surrounding homes, even though mostly brick, some examples of rough render finish exist. We propose a bold option of highlighting certain elements with a glazed brick, again, a nod to its art deco heritage and your love of midcentury design. We think this would be quite a statement without being over the top. Elements of limecement finish also further add texture to the design. On the rear, corbelling brick detail will make add further texture interesting shadows while choosing a buff brick should make the design feel calm and refined.
This design is relies more on bold brick details. Corbelled window reveals, glazed brick insets and wrap around windows seek to create a building form that is both rooted in its appearance but light. The large sunken sun-room has overhangs to shade it from over heating, a feature fireplace, grass level bifold door seating and is accessed by a library corridor. A smaller arched corridor connects the existing lounge to the new open plan space, creating interesting lows around the house and ensuring a sense of connection without the over-bearanace of true open plan living. We loved the mixture of brick, earthy render and glazed tile